Transaction 01b51ea3…52ce0c58
Hash | 01b51ea3efc1c3f43fea427d525040a4f55e5be1b3a5402d505d6be952ce0c58 |
Confirmed at 2024-09-05 14:00:19 UTC | |
Number of inputs | 4 |
Total in | 10.71846356 DOGE ( $ 1.05 ) |
Number of outputs | 4 |
Total out | 10.28400002 DOGE ( $ 1.01 ) |
Size | 737 bytes |
Fee | 0.43446354 DOGE ( 4.27 ¢ ) |
Raw transaction | |
Confirmations | 40,505 |
Status | Confirmed |
Index | Previous Tx | Amount | Value | From address |
0 | …3ba66bd4 | 0.00100001 | 0.01 ¢ | DJRZAn6ci2eA6gFLgwEZoefMNjv5N3cyhg |
1 | …3ba66bd4 | 0.00100001 | 0.01 ¢ | DJRZAn6ci2eA6gFLgwEZoefMNjv5N3cyhg |
2 | …37373c77 | 0.00100000 | 0.01 ¢ | DC3c7CLZZNZLXFPihVVzDPPHsXP9t4irNs |
3 | …3ba66bd4 | 10.71546354 | $ 1.05 | DJRZAn6ci2eA6gFLgwEZoefMNjv5N3cyhg |
Index | Spending Tx | Amount | Value | To address |
0 | Unspent | 0.00200002 | 0.02 ¢ | DJRZAn6ci2eA6gFLgwEZoefMNjv5N3cyhg |
1 | Unspent | 0.00100000 | 0.01 ¢ | DJRZAn6ci2eA6gFLgwEZoefMNjv5N3cyhg |
2 | Unspent | 9.86100000 | 96.97 ¢ | DC3c7CLZZNZLXFPihVVzDPPHsXP9t4irNs |
3 | Unspent | 0.42000000 | 4.13 ¢ | DJeuJtzLu1cjLkbWWAr6aQums4edTu4GKJ |