Transaction 0995cdfc…8a7817c2
Hash | 0995cdfc22473ef4eb95de0e6c6c6177181847be4ac6c946afb69e6c8a7817c2 |
Confirmed at 2024-04-06 15:22:21 UTC | |
Number of inputs | 4 |
Total in | 1,377.78052896 DOGE ( $ 252.12 ) |
Number of outputs | 6 |
Total out | 1,376.93617596 DOGE ( $ 251.97 ) |
Size | 803 bytes |
Fee | 0.84435300 DOGE ( 15.45 ¢ ) |
Raw transaction | |
Confirmations | 256,686 |
Status | Confirmed |
Index | Previous Tx | Amount | Value | From address |
0 | …460bc52b | 0.00100001 | 0.02 ¢ | DUDNifFswNnqeUCrASi83FxDUxLsQf5y4x |
1 | …3db49af6 | 0.00200002 | 0.04 ¢ | DUDNifFswNnqeUCrASi83FxDUxLsQf5y4x |
2 | …402e059c | 0.00100000 | 0.02 ¢ | DRarr4aF72taNwMNZPZtPjMzxdcfUABqpm |
3 | …cefb9f44 | 1,377.77652893 | $ 252.12 | DUDNifFswNnqeUCrASi83FxDUxLsQf5y4x |
Index | Spending Tx | Amount | Value | To address |
0 | …b1e9ff8d | 0.00300003 | 0.05 ¢ | DUDNifFswNnqeUCrASi83FxDUxLsQf5y4x |
1 | Unspent | 0.00100000 | 0.02 ¢ | DUDNifFswNnqeUCrASi83FxDUxLsQf5y4x |
2 | …a031a364 | 187.34100000 | $ 34.28 | DRarr4aF72taNwMNZPZtPjMzxdcfUABqpm |
3 | Unspent | 7.98000000 | $ 1.46 | DJeuJtzLu1cjLkbWWAr6aQums4edTu4GKJ |
4 | …465e5429 | 0.00100001 | 0.02 ¢ | DUDNifFswNnqeUCrASi83FxDUxLsQf5y4x |
5 | …b1e9ff8d | 1,181.61017592 | $ 216.22 | DUDNifFswNnqeUCrASi83FxDUxLsQf5y4x |